Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Movie House reviews Richard Gere as King David, or "Dave" as he likes to call himself.
  • "Dave starts out as a humble shepherd boy who writes some songs and sings them to the sheep. Hey, even Sinatra started small."
  • "They smite the living shit out of a whole bunch of pagans with tribal names ending in "_ites", like the Hittites, Amalekites, Kenites, Jerahmeelites, Jezreelites, Carmelites, and Plebiscites. He even smote the asses of the obscure and peaceful sheep-herding tribe called the Woolites."
  • "Dave didn't really need to smite the Plebiscites. He just hung out with them and got them to hold a direct vote on whether to surrender to Israel."

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