Thursday, June 14, 2018

New York AG files suit against Trump Foundation, directors

New York AG files suit against Trump Foundation, directors

"The lawsuit seeks $2.8 million in restitution and other court imposed penalties. It also seeks to bar Trump from having any involvement with charities in New York for 10 years. While Trump has said the foundation will be dissolved, Underwood’s lawsuit seeks to have it done with oversight from the courts."

By barring Trump from charities, the AG is asking to apply a penalty to the President of the United States that is usually reserved for professional flim-flam artists and grifters.


  1. Yeah... and...? Democrats. The Clinton Foundation committed way more crimes that have already been documented and NY is doing nothing about that.


  2. When I saw there was a comment posted, somehow I knew it would be The Gent to push his usual misinformation. Sorry, but there have been no "documented crimes" of the Clinton Foundation, but then it has become painfully obvious that factual information is anathema to you.

    1. ...said the famous Clinton/Obama defender, Captain Oblivious...

    2. Idiot Trump cultist, name these crimes.

  3. I am more personally amused at the fact that, yet again, The Gent is a shining example of yet ANOTHER Trump-ist cliche. A flawless illustration of whatabout-ism.

    "But, but, he hit me first!"

    Nice job!

    1. Wrong again. Look around you. When Obama was President, the US was on the verge of bankruptcy. We were the poster child for how to get the Europeans to love us - give them stuff. Immigration was uncontrolled and running amok, we were arming our enemies, for Christ's sake!

      Now that Trump is here, and it could be any good businessman, really, immigration is under control, the economy is booming, the US is once again the "Sleeping Giant" that the rest of world does not want to anger and we once again have the respect of the world, even if they don't like us.

      Of course, if you are listening to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, they will tell you that none of the above is true. They don't have any evidence to support their claim, they just like to hear themselves talk. The recent set of primaries that have been held have over-whelmingly pointed to the fact that the Mid-Terms are going to be nearly solid red.

      But if that's your idea of 'whatabout-ism" (is that really a word?), then so be it.

      You go with the Dems party line; I'll go with the evidence of my eyes.

    2. I used to think people as stupid as you and Andy B simply couldn't exist because you two would have died in some accident in youth.

      (Of course, I'm not included those who live in group homes and the like.)

      However, it is now more than apparent to me that not only do complete morons like you two actually exist, but that, judging by the number of idiot Trump cultists, that, in the United States there are millions of you.

    3. Ok, AdamT, you can take that kind of post and shove it up your a**. This is supposed to be a debate, not a meeting of the National Idiots Insult Society. If you can't keep a civil tongue, then don't comment on my posts!

    4. In order to have a debate, your comments need to meet two standards: they are factually correct statements (validity test) and they are logically consistent statements (soundness test.) Your statements are rarely ever factually sound, so you don't actually write anything to debate.

      Other comments such as 'life isn't fair' is strictly an opinion and though it can be tested (I forget the term for how it can be tested) it can't be falsified.

      So, the obvious response to blanket comments like 'life isn't fair, therefore...' is to point out something like 'he murdered a person in cold blood, but, you know what, life isn't fair, so he shouldn't be held accountable for it.'

      So, you can take phrases like 'life isn't fair' and "September 11 changed everything" and use them to justify everything.

    5. Should have said rarely ever factually valid (or factually accurate.)

    6. My favorite of all time of these sorts of blanket statements that are meant to sound like profound or serious arguments but don't actually mean anything, is, when in the mid 2000, the then Canadian Conservative Justice Critic, Vic Toews, said in arguing against legalizing gay marriage "If we allow for gay marriage, it might change society."

  4. Trump should take this as a compliment. On his best day, he's an amateur flim-flam artist/grifter. They're giving him an upgrade.

    1. Oh really? And I suppose you are posting this comment from your vault where you keep YOUR billions of dollars? Flim-Flam? That would be Obama, through and through.

  5. I'll believe that shitheel has ever seen a billion dollars if it says so on his tax returns.

    I have gone bankrupt a total of no times.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Not sure what The Gent meant about we ‘were’ Bankrupt. If bankrupt means spending more than we make then we are more bankrupt than ever. Hello Tax Breaks. . . .

  8. The Gent = Trump's di(k worshipper.

  9. The old are you? Are you one of those old angry white guys? You sure sound like it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I am member of the generation that helped build this country into the giant that it was. And I am pissed that the snowflakes and whiners are tearing down what we built - all in the name of political correctness and a 'level playing field'.

    Life is not fair and the sooner you get used to the concept, the better off you'll be.
