Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Guardian weighs in on the American presidential debates. The Guardian, which I have often called the world's most gullible newspaper, is more like Weekly World News than like a real newspaper. (They are the ones who fell - lock stock and barrel - for the Presidential IQ hoax, as well as the "Pentagon prepares for global warming" scam.) In fact, the Guardian is kind of like a partisan version of Weekly World News, except still hanging on to a vague pretense of real journalism. But it can be funny in its biased rants, ala Hunter Thompson.
  • "Quite frankly, the man's either wired or mad. If it's the former, he should be flung out of office: tarred, feathered and kicked in the nuts. And if it's the latter, his behaviour goes beyond strange, and heads toward terrifying. He looks like he's listening to something we can't hear. He blinks, he mumbles, he lets a sentence trail off, starts a new one, then reverts back to whatever he was saying in the first place. Each time he recalls a statistic (either from memory or the voice in his head), he flashes us a dumb little smile, like a toddler proudly showing off its first bowel movement. The man's a tool."
  • "John Kerry, for his part, looks and sounds a bit like a haunted tree."
  • I think making fun of politicans is very entertaining, but in my opinion the last paragraph, which basically makes a joke about the need for a Presidential assassin, is way over the line, and not at all funny. (Not to mention stupid. Does he think the world would be more to his liking if the Presidency were handed to Dick Cheney?)

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