Friday, January 29, 2010

Egotastic! - Katrina Bowden's Hot Ass on the Big Screen

Katrina Bowden's Hot Ass on the Big Screen

The name of the film is "Tucker & Dale vs. Evil," one of Disney's recent chipmunk adventures. Very few people realize that Dale went on to a disappointing single career after the death of Chip, his long-time live-in companion. That failed, as did a succession of ill-fated partnerships with other former members of duos. His brief stints in "Jerry Lewis and Dale," and "Butch Cassidy and Dale" proved frustrating for him and confusing for his fans. The pairing of Heckle and Dale proved to be a solid collaboration, but that partnership was doomed when a sorrowful, repentant Jeckle returned to reclaim his eternally forgiving ex. Forlorn and despondent, Dale turned to the bottle and was living on skid row when he was finally tracked down by Tucker, a wealthy former fan who was thrilled to pair up with his quondam idol to defeat Lord Evil, the surly bulldog bent on defending his orchard from adorable nut-gathering rodents .

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