Saturday, February 06, 2010

Clip du jour: Gone with the Wind with Vampires

This kinda matches some of the pitches I have been making to Hollywood lately, for example:

  • Crime and Punishment and Big Blue Space Cats in 3D
  • Pride and Prejudice and Big Blue Space Cats in 3D
  • War and Peace and Big Blue Space Cats in 3D

Imagine how the brave Russian people would thrill to know that they defeated not a bunch of fluffy-pastry-eating, puffy-shirt-wearing French sissies, but some gigantic and colorful 3D space cats - despite the fact that the Russian partisans were in 2D and B&W.

When you get right down to it, pretty much any movie is better with gigantic blue 3D space cats.

... and, of course, bare breasts.

I mean breasts from the human women, not the space cats.

Unless Christina Hendricks is playing one of the space cats.

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