Wednesday, June 23, 2010

iowahawk: I'm Beginning to Believe This Obama Fellow Is Unequal to the Task

"I'm Beginning to Believe This Obama Fellow Is Unequal to the Task" by T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII, Intellectual Conservative At-Large

"The third risk we now face is the most exasperating: the coming catcalls from the moronic Tea Party simians who will undoubtedly (and illiterately) gloat about our late-hour conversion from orthodox Obamaphilia. With this column I imagine my email inbox will soon be chockablock with lovely missives like, 'hey, moran! I couldsa tolt y'all that dangity Obama was a commernist 2 hole yeers agoo!! Ima gessin I must be a hole lott smarter then yew with yore big smarty pants kollige words!! Hyuk hyuk hyuk!! Tea Party git r dun!!'"

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