Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Box Office Results for June 25-27, 2010

Toy Story 3 dropped another sixty million into the coffers. Sandler performed up to his usual level, finishing a strong second. Tom Cruise, on the other hand, got the "FAIL" tag.

This is the tenth time Sandler has opened between $34 million and $47 million. He's one of the most consistent dollar generators in the business, and probably the most completely review-proof entertainer in the world.

Here is my prediction: if Adam Sandler ever made a good comedy, unlikely though that may be, he would take in more money than James Cameron and Warren Buffett added together. The United States would have to print additional money just so he could light his cigars and polish his monocle collection.

Toy Story 3 has taken in more in its first ten days than Avatar. Toy Story grossed "only" $191 million, and Toy Story 2 was not that much better at $245 million. This one may take in as much as those two added together!

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