Friday, October 21, 2011

Parents object to Tattoo Barbie

Parents object to Tattoo Barbie

I can't see why they would object. Call me crazy, but with my love of Herman Melville, I dream that my granddaughters will grow up to look like Queequeeg. No, don't call me crazy. Call me Ishmael.

On the other hand, it does seem weird that after so many years with no dick, Ken now has a pierced one. But, what the hell, I'm an old man and I don't know what you kids today like, with your modern things like your fancy-schmancy paper clips. I get it. It's different today, and you have to adapt. When I was young we had glistening African slaves to hold our papers together, but now you have to do it some other way. And when I was young we used our dicks to pierce other things, rather than the other way around. I guess the world just leaves us old folks behind.

By the way, I don't know about Billy Joel, but I actually DID start the fire.

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