Saturday, December 01, 2012

Kent State's BCS dreams shattered

Kent State's BCS dreams shattered
Kent State would almost certainly have made the top 16 with a win, and that would have been an automatic BCS bowl. Victorious Northern Illinois may make the top 16, but it's not probable. They were rated #21 coming in. They will probably pass UCLA and Kent State, but that would only get them to #19, and they'd need a lot more help tomorrow, and maybe some latitude from the voters, if they hope to get three more slots upward.

To tell you the truth, they may be actually able to get a better post-season bowl outside of the BCS. If they make the BCS pool, their likely opponent will be the ACC champ, and that would be boring. Call it the Tidy Bowl. But if they do not make it, there will be four SEC teams looking for post-season action in non-BCS bowls, and each of them is stronger than any team in the ACC.

I have to admit that I'd like to see what NIU could do against Texas A&M (for example). That would be an easy match-up to market: Jordan Football against Johnny Football. NIU's Jordan Lynch threw for at least 200 yards and rushed for at least 100 yards in eight different games this year. There was only only other FBS quarterback with more than two such games this season, and that was A&M's Johnny Manziel, with five against much more difficult competition.

1 comment:

  1. As a NIU alumnus, I would love to see them make a BCS bowl. The MAC produces alot of legit talent as seen in the Super Bowl 45 where 15 players between the Steelers and Packers were from the MAC second to the 18 from the SEC.

    I know it's outside shot and dream but sometimes dreams come true. There were reps from the Orange and Sugar Bowl at the game.

    Here's to hoping.
