Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Right This Moment, Millennials Are Realizing Politics Is a Sham

Right This Moment, Millennials Are Realizing Politics Is a Sham


  1. Really depressing reading the idiotic comments on Gawker from young twerps whining about how we need more socialism, which I define as the childish delusion that if only trillions of individual free market decisions could be replaced by a handful of corrupt, incompetent megalomaniacs, then everyone would be happier. If they'd ever stop wasting their time denouncing capitalism while standing in line at the Apple store, maybe they could launch a socialist revolution, like the idealistic young people in Russia once did. Aside from 70 years of misery, poverty, oppression, starvation and genocide, that worked out great. Or maybe we could be like the socialist-lite Scandinavian countries they're always mooning over. Of course, that would require generations of hammering into young people the idea that it's their lot in life to work like dogs and expect nothing in return. Somehow, I don't see that taking hold here.

  2. So true. The level of entitlement displayed in the vast majority of comments on Gawker is only rivaled by the underlying tone of self-inflicted misery. It seems to be the preferred gathering place of 20-somethings upset because they didn't get to begin their careers with a 6-figure-salary right out of the gate and whose own cynicism/hubris has caused them to reject every traditional social construct, leaving them with nothing but hamster-wheel lives void of practically any substance. 90% of the comments boil down to "My life sucks and why the hell is nobody fixing it?"

    As far as specific politics go, I was rather amused by the one commenter who very clearly articulated the fact the producing more poor people helps Democrats and hurts Republicans, then proceeded to simply call Republicans stupid. Now, I've certainly got no problem with calling Republicans stupid, but once you've established that more poor people is a good thing for Democrats, shouldn't you also be expressing a little skepticism about Democrats' true intentions?
