Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What The Season Finale Of GoT Means For Next Season |

What The Season Finale Of GoT Means For Next Season |
These guys missed the most intriguing mystery for next year. The Mother of Dragons spurned her lover because she said she needed to make a marriage alliance to consolidate her power. But who could she mean? There are basically no eligible men left with any power!

The Martells, the Tyrells, the Greyjoys and the Targaryens are all run by women now, and are already allied. They are all sailing together to defeat the Lannisters, with another woman, Queen Cersei, on the Iron Throne.

There are only three eligible men with armies:
Dany can't marry Jon Snow since she has just been revealed to be his aunt. Besides, Jon has no time for Westerosi internal politics because he has White Walkers to defeat. "Winter is here."

She can't marry Littlefinger because Lord Baelish would never be satisfied to be a consort watching his wife sit on the Iron Throne. He'd undoubtedly be plotting against her constantly, and she's smart enough to realize that, especially with Tyrion and Varys whispering in her ear. Besides, Littlefinger is a slimy mofo who cares for nothing but himself, while Dany is an idealist and reformer. He's not really evil, just amoral, but I think she would find him repulsive.

That leaves only Jaime Lannister!
I think Jaime would take sides with Dany to overthrow his evil sister. The battle for the throne will come down to Cersei versus Dany and Tyrion, which means Jaime will have to choose between his brother and his sister. While their children lived, Jaime would never have taken up arms against his sister/wife, but the kids are all dead now, so I feel certain he'll side with Tyrion. In the books, Jaime has the most significant moral arc of any character. He starts out as wicked as Cersei, but he evolves over time, wracked with regret for his misdeeds, proving himself to be ever more honorable. The TV series has not really stressed that yet, but I suppose the big plot twist of next year might be Jaime's betrayal of Cersei. Perhaps in the final season, it might be his marriage to the Mother of Dragons.

That would put Dany on the throne, her nephew Jon Snow as king of the semi-autonomous North, Jaime once again as head of the Queensguard, and Tyrion as Hand of the Queen. That solution would leave the Starks, Targaryens and Lannisters all reconciled and allied. It would also result in Dorne and the Iron Islands being semi-autonomous and at peace with King's Landing.

More interesting to me is who might ultimately make a good match for Jon Snow. Will he wait for Lady Mormont to be old enough? Or is Jon Snow truly dead and his resurrection only temporary?

And how will the Dothraki and the Wildlings fit into life in Westeros? Or will they all get homesick?

Note: these are not spoilers, but merely theories. I could be completely off.


  1. Since she's not his sister, and barely thought of him as a brother, wouldn't Sansa be a possible wife for Jon Targaryen?

  2. Jon hasn't actually been revealed yet as a targaryan. Just greatly implied. This could be a twist point next season. Besides, even assuming he is, the targaryans were well known fothat marrying in the family.

  3. Inter-family marriage is actually a Targaryan tradition, so this would definitely not stop a Dany-Jon marriage. In fact, if anything, it would make it more likely.

  4. Tim: they are first cousins. Not sure how the Starks feel about that sort of thing. Maybe.

    Jessie and Kevin: Jon may be a Targaryen by blood, but he's a Stark by blood and upbringing, so I suppose he'd respect the traditions of the North, whatever those are. I don't really know how they feel about Aunt-fuckin'.

    There is also a complication which has not yet been introduced in the TV series (and may never be, for all I know). There is another son of Rhaegar Targaryen still alive. Aegon is not Jon's brother, but a half-brother. He's a Targaryen/Martell, a legitimate son by marriage, while Jon is (presumably) a Targaryen/Stark, a love-child. (Jon just can't get away from that whole bastard thing, can he?) Aegon would also have a claim to the Iron Throne. As Rhaegar's legitimate son by marriage, he may be the legally rightful king, since Rhaegar, although never crowned, was the heir apparent when the mad king was slain. It has not been established whether Aegon will even appear in the TV version.

  5. Fair enough, but he doesn't know he's targaryan, and may not find out. So dany and Jon could happen out of political expedience.

  6. Jessie - that could make for two great plot twists - first they wed to unite Westeros - THEN they find out they are closely related and walk away, not wishing to add to the legacy of Targaryen madness. (Perhaps Samwell Tarly would make the case for their separation, based upon what he learns at Maester Academy.)

  7. Or they don't find out, defeat the walkers, but produce a new mad King who has dragons.

  8. Yeah, I suppose something like that is a possibility. I was thinking in terms of happy endings, but Game of Thrones rarely offers happy anything!

  9. Nope. Definitely not known for happy endings.
