Saturday, August 06, 2016

Trump organization seems to need some work on math

Trump organization seems to need some work on math

This one is so odd I don't even know what they were trying to say before they screwed it up. Here's what an immigration attorney, a former Trump employee, said:

1. Melania Trump earned a green card "based on marriage" in 2001.

2. Melania did not marry Donald Trump until 2005.

So far it's not that weird, right? But what makes it really squirrelly is that Melania told Larry King in 2005, shortly after their wedding, that Trump was her first husband. If that makes any sense to anyone, please explain in the comments section.

When asked to explain the apparent discrepancy, the attorney said he would seek clarification (presumably from the Trump Organization), but he later sent an email saying “I didn’t hear back, sorry.”

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