Tuesday, January 31, 2017

AP: Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states

AP: Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states

The author of the piece seems to think that somehow disparages the guy, but in fact, it proves one of his points: that it is easy to cast multiple votes in a national election. I have underlined the key fact below in a citation from the article:

"Gregg Phillips, whose unsubstantiated claim that the election was marred by 3 million illegal votes was tweeted by the president, was listed on the rolls in Alabama, Texas and Mississippi, according to voting records and election officials in those states. He voted only in Alabama in November, records show ... Officials in both states (Texas and Mississippi) told the AP that Phillips could have voted, however, by producing identification and updating his address at the polls."

So he could have voted for Trump three times if he cared to, which really supports one of his allegations of loopholes in the system.

Of course the guy made many other points besides duplicate registrations, for example: (1) that there were three million votes cast by illegal aliens; (2) that there was a significant number of dead people registered to vote. We have yet to see any evidence to support those claims.
On point number one: Personally, I do not believe that a significant number of illegal aliens voted, but I'm willing to study the evidence if he produces it.

As for the other point, I am certain he's right on that one, but it may not be important. There must be many dead people registered to vote, because there is no universal system to purge them from the rolls automatically, but I have yet to see evidence that a significant number, or for that matter any number, actually voted.

Full disclosure: I can't tell you for sure, but I would not be surprised if I am registered to vote in four different states. The reason I can't say? I don't know what process the states use to purge the voter registration lists to prevent that from happening when people move away.


  1. This evidence for those illegal votes will be produced right after we (a) get the proof of the "thousands of Muslims" celebrating in New Jersey after 9/11, and (b) Trump's tax statements.

  2. The registration issue is valid. I personally, because of the unknown purge process in each state, am probably registered to vote in NE, MO, AZ and NC. I voted only in NC, but....

  3. Valid, but not relevant.
    "I just voted in Alabama. Now, time, to haul ass for Texas, get a fake ID, and vote again. Today. Mwahahaha!!"
    You'd have to be a drooling mor...wait a minute.

  4. In Indiana, to get yourself removed from the rolls of a congressional district, you have to contact the county clerk's office to be removed the voter roll there.
