Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Cowardly And Dangerous"

"Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Cowardly And Dangerous"

I think that the ban is a bad move, especially as it was rushed through without sufficient forethought, but the concept of calling it a "Muslim ban" is purely a scare tactic by the press, and shows why Trump has such a problem with them.

1. The seven banned nations contain something like 12% of the world's Muslims. So the other 88% are unaffected.

2. The five countries with the most Muslims, and eight of the top nine, are unaffected.

3. Muslims would actually get preferential treatment if they were a persecuted minority in a country. (Of course that's not the intent of the ban, but that's the effect.)

Whether you like it or not, at least call it what it is - a ban on immigration from nations known to support or be hotbeds of terrorist activities.

Having said all that, let me add that it is foolish to make determinations like that based SOLELY on the country of origin. I think most of the people who want to enter the USA from those lands are everyday people who hate religious nutbags as much as the rest of us. Others are people who have actually been fighting on our side against said nutbags and are in danger if they stay. Sure, there are good reasons why we should eye immigration from those countries with scrutiny and vet prospective immigrants very carefully, but we still have to think of them as individuals, not as members of a specific nation or religion. The fact that their frickin' governments (or quasi-governments, in the case of ISIS) support terrorism doesn't mean that the people who want to leave support terrorism, far from it. In fact, it more than likely means the opposite.


  1. Steve Job's father was a Muslim and immigrated from Syria.

  2. It's theater. No ban on the actual sources of most terror (Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan/Pakistan) and not just on refugees potentially being rushed through without being vetted. Green card holders? People with dual citizenship? It's theater that hurts people, the worst kind of stupid.

  3. Trump didn't place the ban on any countries where he does business.

  4. suh-WING and a miss.
    as the Cato Institute (that renowned bunch of hippies) documented on Friday night: “Foreigners from those seven nations have killed zero Americans in terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1975 and the end of 2015.”

  5. I disagree, de jure this isn't a Muslim ban, de facto I think it clearly is.

    For instance, for at least one of these nations, the executive order specifically stated that Christians wouldn't be affected by the ban.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    That Syrian Christians were sent back is an example of the extreme incompetency of how this ban was implemented and I don't think is in any way a sign that, in fact, the ban was meant only to prevent Muslims from at least Syria coming into the U.S

  8. Of course, if Trump wants to protect Americans from serial sexual assaulters, he should self deport.

  9. Poor Justin is spot on.

  10. Here is a legal and policy analysis from a guy who is definitely not a liberal. He doesn't explicitly use the term "embarrassing fucktardery", but comes pretty close:
