Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump’s Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas - Lawfare

Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump’s Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas

"An immigration lawyer who works for the federal government wrote me today describing the quality of the work as 'look[ing] like what an intern came up with over a lunch hour.'"

It is amazing that the President just had his staff write it up without running it past legal counsel, without informing State, INS, Customs, or Homeland Security except in a perfunctory manner, and without any detailed discussion of how to handle obvious exceptions and/or people in transit. Set aside for a moment the concept of whether you think the principle was correct, you just have to roll your eyes and slap your forehead over the completely inept and chaotic way in which this order was pushed out into the world.


  1. In other words, now that Trump appears to be doing what Obama was doing, it's all wrong!

    1. Not at all. You are confusing ideology with competence. As I pointed out, this is all fucked up whether you agree with it or not.

      Even if you think he has the right idea, he has made a complete mess of the execution. How the hell could he have run companies without (1) running policies past legal and (2) informing his subordinates what he was doing and (3) telling his subordinates how to handle situations which arise when the letter of the order may be contrary to common sense.

      I hope Mike Pence is prepared to sit in the Oval Office, because that could happen soon. If Trump doesn't rein in the crazy, he will have nobody to defend him in Congress.

  2. That's the entire plan. Has been since the convention. Remember, we went into that fully expecting either Cruz to make a play on the floor or the party itself shoving Kasich or Ryan at us. Instead. Trump adopts Pence as vp out of nowhere, and the GOP is completely behind trump.

    Pence is a party boy, will totally abide by the party's wishes. Standard gay hatin' neocon.

    Trump, at this point, is a useful idiot. The GOP will use him for things like some of the exec orders he's done already dismantling Obama's stuff, as well as legislation like killing obamacare. Once he's outlived his usefulness, McCain or Graham, two party leaders who have been extremely vocal that they are very against trump, can push impeachment for one of what will be dozens of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' (which is so vague it could mean anything) and the Dems will of course back the sudden gop change of heart.

    Voila, 3.5 years of President pence while the orange one fails uselessly on twitter about how great he was.

  3. Another nonpolitical website/podcast obsessed with Trump.

    1. I don't mean to speak for Uncle Scoopy, but when I see comments like this on any site complaining about the site, I always think to myself "If you don't like it, start your own site."

  4. Trump is incompetent...how many times has he declared bankruptcy? This should be a surprise to no one who is familiar with him.

  5. Another possibility is the incompetence is intentional, i.e., an attempt to keep a campaign promise without actually keeping it.

    "Hey, I tried. It just didn't hold up in these out of control courts."

    As to the comment about there being too much Trump on here, I generally agree with that sentiment when it comes to other sites because they're invariably pushing an agenda down your throat. Scoop's presentation is more observational and devoid of bullshit, and thus far more palatable. Frankly, it may be the best political commentary & analysis around right now. Damned shame the only place you can find a gleam of sanity in our current state of affairs in on a website devoted to weird news, titties, movies, and baseball.

    1. Seriously doubt it was intentional. It has Trump's modus operandi all over it. Just plain incompetence.

    2. And more accurately, arrogance. He's not incompetent, he's just such a narcissist that he doesn't even try to do things well. Subtle but important difference. Why should he do this any other way? He's right, he's the best at this, everyone else is stupid.

  6. Yeah, arrogance explains his bankruptcies?
