Friday, January 27, 2017

"Mexican president cancels meeting with Trump"

"Mexican president cancels meeting with Trump"

That headline is totally misleading. It was really Trump that cancelled the meeting. Trump Tweeted that it would be better to skip the meeting if Peña Nieto continued to insist Mexico would not pay for the wall. Since Mexico has no intention of doing so, Nieto cancelled, as Trump had suggested.


  1. The headline isn't misleading. Nieto canceled the meeting. Political pressure from within Mexico had more to do with the cancellation that Trump's tweet.

  2. The pressure was exerted BECAUSE of Trump's remarks, was it not? It seems there's pretty direct causality between "Don't show up if you don't plan to pay for the wall" and "OK, I won't show up." If he HAD shown up, irrespective of pressure within Mexico, it would have been taken as a sign that he was willing to pay for the wall, so Trump left him no option.
