Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump taps Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Trump taps Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Gorsuch is an originalist, which may upset some, but he's a respected jurist and a graduate of Harvard Law. I assume he'll get confirmed because it'll be a cold day in hell before Trump nominates somebody more acceptable to Democrats. It could have been much, much worse. People had been fearing that Trump would nominate Bill Pryor, who is a retro-ideological wackadoodle who gained his judgeship through a recess appointment.


  1. I expect Democrats to filibuster him like they said they would. If Republicans want him to be confirmed, there going to have to use the 'nuclear option.'

    Also, there is no such thing as an 'originalist.' The idea that all the framers had the same opinions in writing the Constitution or that even a majority had the same opinions as to how their words should be interpreted is stupid on its face.

    As far as I'm concerned that tells me all I need to know about how seriously to take this article from The Hill.

  2. Why Democrats should filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court nominee — no matter who it is

    Yes, they should. They should do it to make a statement about the unconscionable way in which Republicans held this seat open, and about their willingness to be strong in the face of Republican bullying. And they need to realize that in taking this step, they have absolutely nothing to lose.


    1. Other than displaying obvious hypocrisy. Just like the GOP does daily by doing the same things they slammed Obama for doing over 8 years. If the Dems want to be relevant, they can choose to be different. Be the grown ups in the crowd. Or they can continue knee jerk bullshit 'but YOU did it FIRST' grade school nonsense. One might get people energized and ready to vote for them again. The other continues the road they're on, just like continuing to whine about emails and call every conservative a bigot. Wonder how that's working for them?

      For the record, I absolutely expect them to filibuster, at least for awhile. Because everyone in DC are petulant children now.

    2. I would expect most Democrats to take your concern trolling with all the care and attention that it deserves.

  3. I also seriously question who 'respects' him.

  4. https://twitter.com/NormOrnstein/status/826615488365076480

  5. Everyone in D.C. is a petulant child because that's what sells to their respective bases, which are composed of the few--but very loud--people left who still think their politicians actually give a shit about them.

    The ‪ACTUAL 2016 Presidential election results among eligible voters was:

    ‪Clinton: 26%‬
    ‪Trump: 25%‬
    ‪Others: 3%‬
    ‪"Fuck this noise": 45%‬

    When people say, "Half the country..." it's really just a quarter. The party that finally decides to appeal to some of that inactive & 3rd party half of the country is the one that will ultimately rule the day.

    1. Total turnout was actually closer to 60% although the number of eligible voters who voted in the Presidential race was around 58%


      The 55% figure is based on the stories from ignorant reporters from election day who weren't aware that millions of ballots had yet to be counted (or even received) from the vote by mail states of California, Oregon and Washington state.

      People have been predicting a rise of third parties for a long time, and maybe that will happen with a deranged psychopath as President and paralysis in Congress (almost entirely due to actions by Republicans. If you think that is a partisan comment I would recommend reading the book by former conservative Norm Ornstein, co written by liberal Thomas Mann.) However, there are very good reasons the existing fringe parties, the Greens, Libertarians and Constitution parties are fringe parties.

      The biggest likelihood I suppose is the possibility both of the two major parties will fracture.

      However, given that Trump is already being at least as bad as predicted, I'd pay attention to the ballot initiative in California that proposes California succeede from the United States. I could definitely see the so-called coastal elites wanting out of Trump's Faux Jesusland United States of America.

  6. Eh, 55%, 57+%, it doesn't really matter. The point is you've got 2 parties going back and forth fighting for razor-then wins while 3% of engaged people are rejecting both and another 40% just don't give a rat's. First to win over some folks from either pool will be sitting pretty.

    1. Except it makes your math even more difficult. With 42% not voting and the winning candidate getting 28% of the total eligible voters, a 3rd party would have to win 2/3 of the non-voters to get the most votes.

      Given that there are a number of reasons why non-voters don't vote it's very unlikely any candidate could unite 2/3 of non voters to get the most votes.
