Sunday, June 17, 2018

Trump finally unites the country - against his family separation policy

Trump finally unites the country - against his family separation policy

Well, you know Trump is highly competitive, and his new Korean pal has a lot of human rights abuses, so Trump must feel great pressure to catch up.


  1. People tend to believe the media, unfortunately. The truth is much different if dig a little deeper. People crossing illegally into this country are criminals, and if they have children with them there is usually no way to tell who they really are.

  2. So if you go to jail, you should have your kids with you?

  3. I can't stop being amazed at how callous and indifferent to reason trumpists are. As I said yesterday in a different post, unauthorized entry into the U.S.A. is a MISDEMEANOR. You know, like jaywalking. Or exceeding the speed limit.

    In more temperate times, we separated parents from children for felonies like child abuse or reckless endangerment. Not for seeking asylum or a better life.

    1. Um, actually, jaywalking and speeding are infractions, which is a level below misdemeanor.

    2. Fair point. I got it right previously. From that post: "If we're going to go this route, then it's only fair that U.S. citizens should be forcibly separated from their children for also committing misdemeanors like: intimidation of voters, false statements by gun dealers, broadcasting obscene language (say, via twitter)..."

      Or, as fwald so brilliantly pointed out below, working in the US while on a tourist visa! But that's a felony.

  4. Face it, the US is on the way to becoming a shithole country.

  5. As an FYI, it is legal to seek asylum.

  6. I'm usually all about the reasoned discourse, but you first two guys: beat off and die.

    Here's the worst thing that is going to come out of this - the Democrats are going to appease Trump by giving him concessions to stop this. PROVE ME WRONG, you fucking invertebrates!

    And you know this is just a test-run. The same gruppenfuhrer minds that dreamed this up are planning for further "nuclear options", up to and likely including martial law.

  7. Actually, the government's actions are not only (obviously) immoral, but also unconstitutional and illegal.

    1. The USA is a signatory of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children, which states "the best interests of the child should be paramount in any consideration of policy or law affecting children or families."

    2. Article Six of the Constitution states: "All Treaties made under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

  8. Well, since Melania was in this country illegal working with a tourist visa . . .
