Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Guess who Trump pardoned this time

Guess who Trump pardoned this time? Terrorists!

It's members of Y'all Qaeda, the domestic terrorists who were convicted of committing arson on Federal land! They were almost mass murderers, saved only by the shifting winds and weather. Remember the case? "The backfires were set under the cover of night, without warning the firefighters they knew were camped on the slopes above. The fires threatened to trap four BLM firefighters. One of those later confronted Dwight Hammond at the fire scene after he had moved his crews to avoid the danger. Two days later, Steven Hammond threatened to frame a BLM employee with arson if he didn't terminate the investigation."

One of the terrorists reportedly burned 135 acres of Federal land to cover up evidence of an illegal deer hunt - and then as a result, his buddies led an armed rebellion that occupied a government facility. They pointed guns at law enforcement and reporters and threatened anyone who would have tried to evict them, all the while trashing Native American artifacts at the facility. One of them died trying to shoot at Federal agents.

Well, it could have been worse. At least Manson and bin Laden died before Trump could pardon them.


  1. This needs to be pointed out. People haven’t a clue.

  2. This week on Celebrity Pardon...

  3. Comparing these guys to Al Qaeda is a bad look Scoop. Extreme to the point that Maddow would tell you to reel it in a bit. Government picked a fight, under Obama, who never saw a piece of land that he didn't want to grab as federal. Obama lost for a long list of reasons. These guys aren't exactly supervillains. They definitely aren't mad bombers or murderers.

    1. I have to assume you're kidding, right?

      That's dead wrong. They are not murderers only because a favorable wind kept them from killing four firefighters with their arson. An arsonist who kills people with his fires is a murderer.

      I understand that they knew those firefighters were there. If so, that means the only difference between them and Al-Qaeda is that these guys are too incompetent to succeed at killing firefighters, while Al-Qaeda managed to kill many of them when they attacked the twin towers.

      In addition, Dwight Hammond made death threats against the federal employees responsible for managing the refuge. This had nothing to do with Obama. It began in 1986, under Reagan.

      If they were brown-skinned Muslims, they would probably have died in prison for the exact same actions.

  4. Not to mention that land has been federally owned for a long time before Obama

  5. Scoop, I hope your comments were this harsh when Barak Hussein pardoned Oscar Lopez Rivera.

    1. 1. The fact that you refer to Obama as "Barak [sic] Hussein" already tells everyone your extreme bias towards Obama.
      2. Oscar Rivera had already been in prison for 36 years when he was pardoned.
      3. Many international organizations, multiple church denominations, and at least 10 Nobel Peace Prize winners had been advocating for granting him a pardon.

      Compare that to the Hammonds
      1. Their original sentence for burning over 120 acres of forest in attempt to cover up illegal deer hunts was less than the "mandatory minimum for the charge - one of them was going to serve less than a year until their sentence was appealed.
      2. The sentence they are serving has a mandatory minimum sentence. If that sentence is too severe for them, then maybe it is too severe for ANYONE who has been sentenced under those guidelines.
      3. Other than groups of anti government extremists (and if you have a better label for people who stormed and occupied federal property, who engaged in an armed stand-off with federal law enforcement officials, and who consistently ignore government regulations, please tell me what it is), has anyone been clamoring for the Hammonds release?

  6. I suspect that Demographic for this site skews toward angry old white men.

    1. No, there are just 2 or 3 idiot Trump cultists here.
