Wednesday, December 19, 2007

JAMIE JAMIE JAMIE!!! - What Would Tyler Durden Do

The National Enquirer was right
They reported that Jamie Spears was pregnant long before she admitted it, and now they're having some fun by circulating a letter they received: "Ms. Spears is a devout Christian with a spotless reputation, who lives in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards in accordance with her faith. There is no “rumor concerning Ms. Spears' (non-existent) pregnancy, except perhaps for the baseless rumor just now being created by the National Enquirer. Ms. Spears is not pregnant. It is pathetic for the National Enquirer to attempt to create a wholly baseless rumor that Ms. Spears is pregnant, so it can run a malicious story and false story which would be emotionally devastating to a morally upright 16 year old girl."

It now turns out that the reson for the denial was economic. Jamie Lynn and Lynne Spears sold the exclusive announcement to OK! magazine, and the Enquirer report was going to spoil the value of the sale. (OK! will also get the first pictures of the baby in the spring.)

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