Monday, December 17, 2007

"as the only person here on the stage with a theology degree"
Various blogs have been crawling through Huckabee's alleged theology training since he had to ask a reporter an (obviously ignorant) question about the Mormon faith. Facts seems to be as follows: (1) "Governor Huckabee doesn't have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary." (Huckleberry's research director)

(2) "my degree was actually in religion." (The Hound himself, speaking of his B.A.)

Frankly, that's pretty much a hair-split. Seems to me it's a matter of a capital letter. He does have a "degree in theology" (the study of God), but not a "Theology degree" (a specific degree awarded by graduate schools, e.g. Doctor of Divinity, Master of Divinity, etc.) Since his claim was oral, not written, nobody knows whether he meant to capitalize "Theology" or not.

To illustrate how the terms are intermingled, I took a class in college called Comparative Religion, and its catalog number was Theology 215. So was that a religion class or a theology class?

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