Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Late Night Political Jokes - Late Night Jokes Updated Daily

Late Night Political Jokes Updated

"Osama bin Laden has released yet another audiotape message. Where does he find all these audiotapes, O.K.? You can't even buy audiotapes anymore. I mean, is there a tiny country in the Middle East called Radioshackistan?" –Jay Leno

"Great Britain and America now have proposed a half-billion-dollar fund to create jobs for Taliban members who agree to lay down their arms. And if it works there, they're going to offer the same deal to NBA players." –Jay Leno

David Letterman's Top Ten Surprises In The $3.8 Trillion Federal Budget

  • 10. $3.5 trillion given to committee fighting overspending
  • 9. President now has to pay $25 for each bag he brings aboard Air Force One
  • 6. Government is raising the money by sending out a drunk Rip Torn to rob banks

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