Sunday, January 01, 2012

Jesus abandons Tebow

Jesus abandons Tebow.

6 for 22. 60 yards. No TDs. One INT. QB rating: 20.

Reader comment:

And yet, Denver makes the playoffs. Jesus must be laying some sly bets.

Scoop's notes:

Two possibilities:

1. The lower the starting point, the greater the comeback, and Jesus loves a comeback. He came up with a pretty good one of his own. The Steelers could be favored by about 10 in that playoff game. Look for Jesus to take the Broncos and the 10-spot.

2. Or, if you watch South Park, you can scope out what might have happened. Satan bet heavily on the Broncos, knowing Jesus was on their side. Jesus double-crossed him by abandoning Tebow. Lucifer thus lost everything he had made by taking a dive in their boxing match. You can outsmart Jesus once, but he'll get you back eventually.

1 comment:

  1. And yet, Denver makes the playoffs. Jesus must be laying some sly bets.
