Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Sun Scraps Tits – Kinda

The Sun Scraps Tits – Sorta

This is weird. I thought that The Sun was going to replace the Page 3 girls with something else, like news or sports or crosswords or something. Silly me. It turns out that they have actually kept the Page 3 girls - except now they wear bikini tops instead of going topless.

As I see it, that means The Sun will continue to repel potential female readers by objectifying women with blatant sexism, but will also manage to do so in a way that disappoints their male readers.

At the same time, they have lost any goodwill they might have gotten from progressives who applauded the end of the allegedly demeaning exhibition, because those same progressives will still see Page 3 as chauvinistic, but will now also view it as having been censored, and they hate press censorship!

Slick move, lads.

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