Monday, September 05, 2016

Trump Mocks Clinton Classification Mistake (By Making the Same Mistake)

Trump Mocks Clinton Classification Mistake (By Making the Same Mistake)

Trump ridiculed Clinton for not knowing what the "C" stands for on classified documents - and then, in the very same Tweet, demonstrated that he didn't know either!

This guy is awesome! I have a feeling he's not big on looking things up. (Or even asking his minions to do so.)


  1. The guy in article wrong too, confidential is not the lowest classification. Theres Unclass and Unclass for official use only. Either way we know Trump an idiot but Clinton was Sec of State so she is suppose to be well versed in this. We are so screwed come November

  2. Confidential is the lowest of the three levels of classified information under Executive Order 13526, with the others being Secret and Top Secret. In addition, classified information may have specific access requirements like SCI and SAP.
    Below that, there are a number of handling caveats for Sensitive But Unclassified information of various types, but they are handled in a completely different manner.

  3. That's what I thought too until I got involved in Reagans "Star Wars" testing. It has, or had, it's own special classification that was so secret, the name of the classification itself was top secret. At the time I had top secret, NATO, special ops, NoForn clearance and had to get this one added.

  4. Actually, Trump did not make the same mistake as Hillary. Trump assumed the "C" stood for "Classified," when it referred to "Confidential," which is a specific level of classified data. It's an easy assumption to make, particularly for someone who's never held a security clearance before or been through federal employee security training.

    Hillary (who has been a First Lady, Senator on the Armed Forces Committee, and Secretary of State) claimed she thought the "C" was a way of arranging paragraphs alphabetically. Since there would have been no "A" or "B" paragraphs, that implies that she believes the alphabet starts with "C." To buy that excuse, you'd have to believe that she is a Three Stooges-level moron. Kudos to her for going the extra mile to sell that by having her aides try to wipe secure devices by hitting them with hammers, a la Moe Howard.

  5. "Noonan also pointed out on Twitter that "confidential" is the lowest level of classification information can have. Trump has not followed up on Noonan's tweet as of this posting."
    Confidential is indeed lowest of classified rating but the term classification covers everything.

  6. Top Secret is the top, but then you get into SCIF, which is where the code words come in. Just because you have top secret doesn't mean you have Ultra Thunder clearance, and in fact, you might need top secret to know Ultra Thunder exists (if you Need To Know), and will only find out about Yankee Pot Roast if you're already in the Ultra Thunder Compartment. President and his staff, if they past a strict vetting that includes multiple generations of native citizens in your ancestry, get Yankee White, which allows them pretty much carte blanche without having to go get another compartment cleared every time there's a briefing.
