Sunday, November 13, 2016

2016 NCAA College Football Polls and Rankings for Week 12

2016 NCAA College Football Polls and Rankings for Week 12

Just the AP and coaches' polls ...

Their top four:

Ohio State

Alabama was finally a unanimous choice in both polls. They are the only SEC team among the top fifteen.

Ohio State and Michigan will play each other on the last weekend of the regular season, and that will (probably) knock one or the other off the list.

The next guys in line:

Penn State

1 comment:

  1. "Ohio State and Michigan will play each other on the last weekend of the regular season, and that will (probably) knock one or the other off the list." I wouldn't count on it. Ever since this travesty of a "playoff" was invented in 2012, and started last year, Ohio State has been in the playoff discussions. So the only thing you can count on this year is that Ohio State will play for the National Championship. This so-called playoff is a glorified beauty contest. We need a REAL playoff, one that ranks win/loss, just like in basketball, as the major deciding factor. Who is to say that a win for a team in one situation is less than a win for that same team in a different situation? Enough of this 'strong team/weak team BS. Winning is what counts. And everybody knows that sometimes even a 'weak team' can pull off an upset. Isn't that right, Ohio State??? A true playoff would take the six major conference champs plus 2 wild cards and pit them against one another in the three weeks after regular season play to determine by win/loss who advances. The final game to determine the National Champ would be played on the Saturday before the NFL Super Bowl and we would call it (wait for it) the NCAA College Super Bowl! As for this: "The format increases revenue for all conferences and independent institutions", seven additional games will provide plenty of additional revenue for everybody and the final result will provide a National Champion about whom there will be no doubt!
