Sunday, July 16, 2017

Trump sets a record: lowest approval rating ever at the 6-month mark.

Trump sets a record: lowest approval rating ever at the 6-month mark.

"After six months in office, his job approval rating is 4 points lower than Obama’s career low, which came in his sixth year. And 48 percent *strongly disapprove* of Trump’s job performance, again slightly surpassing the strongest disapproval of Obama’s career, in his fifth year."


  1. Main problem with that is the poll was taken by Newsweek (hard left leaning) and reported by the Washington Post (Left leaning). Show me a Rasmussen Report that says what his approval rating is.

    1. His disapproval rating is between 56 and 58 in all major polls. Rasmussen is actually toward the higher end at 57.

      Post/ABC 58 July 10-13
      Rasmussen 57 July 14
      Gallup 56 July 13-15
      Ipsos 56 July 9-13

    2. Facts don't matter to Trumpkins, do they Gent?

    3. I'll take Rasmussen over any of the other polls any day. Their polling is not slanted in either direction, like the rest that are slanted in whichever direction the people paying for poll want it to. Remember when said Trump had only a 3% chance of winning? How's that for a fact for ya?

  2. Would these be the same incredibly accurate and unbiased pollsters who told us on Election Day that Hillary had anywhere from a 72% to 98.1% chance of winning? I'm not arguing for or against Trump, although I think it's the very definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy for media outlets to spend six months relentlessly attacking a politician as the worst thing since Hitler then point to his low ratings in their own polls and say, "See?" I just think their polls are useless. And unlike most commenters on the Internet, I speak with some authority on the subject.

    I write news and both humorous and serious commentary for radio and the Internet and was one of the few people who predicted Trump would win and never wavered, even when WaPo's poll had Hillary 11 points ahead. I looked at the internals of those polls and recognized them as absolute garbage. I still recall one story about how Hillary was headed for a tsunami-like victory, based on the fact that one poll had her 5 points ahead in Arizona of all places. I looked closely at that poll. To get her to a 5-point lead, they'd oversampled Democrats by 24 points. That's when I knew she and her supporters were heading for an illusion-shattering night. The lesson they should have taken from that (but obviously didn't) is that if there's anything worse than dispensing BS, it's believing your own BS.

    1. That's a lot of writing to whine about the alleged poor treatment of Trump.

      As for a self fulfilling prophesy, the media pays polling firms to conduct the polls, but the media organizations don't conduct the polls themselves.

      Finally, Hillary Clinton only lost Arizona by 3.5%, so it's very unlikely that polling firm oversampled Democrats by 24 points.

    2. Hey, unlikely things happen. Polls that counted the electoral math showed Trump with one chance in six. Sometimes you throw a die, you roll that six.

      The more important result - over a third of Americans are still OK with this. CBS shows a group of Trump fans and they're all like, I believe Trump, not my lyin' eyes.

      To paraphrase him, he could stand on Fifth Avenue and hug and kiss Putin. Half his base would cry fake news, the other half would explain that this was all part of some deeper game and eventually we will see how arty his deal is.

    3. I, for one, am happy that we have a President that people can rely on to do the right thing, not the politically correct thing. Util and unless he does something incredibly stupid or wrong, I will support him.

    4. What is 'the right thing'?

    5. Stiffing your contractors, going bankrupt four times and grabbing that pussy, obviously.

    6. Ok, Nature Mom, as for going bankrupt, that's a risk you take when you are trying to build a business. It happens. Grabbing that pussy? Braggadocio on a bus while talking PRIVATELY with another man. PROVE that he actually did such a thing. And those other women who claimed he did? Paid by the Clintons and dried up the minute their claims were challenged. As for stiffing the contractors... did it ever occur to you that the contractors in question had not performed to contracted specs and that's why they didn't get paid or at least paid everything they thought they were due. No, I'll bet you didn't. It easier to believe the 'David" in the David vs Goliath fight because it makes us feel good about our little bitty lives.

    7. Adam T - the right thing? That's what is right for AMERICA rather than for some other country! And Trump is doing what is right for America and he's picking up speed. The reason the left and the liberals don't like him is not because he isn't doing what he said he would do, he's not playing by their rules - the rules contained in the game book of "Business As Usual".

    8. I have just one more question: Do you actually believe any of this or are you just putting us on?

    9. It's like listening to a parent defend their delinquent child - "He didn't do it because he WOULDN'T do it, not my Donny. He didn't do it, that Clinton girl did it! YOU CAN'T PROVE A THING!!"
      Sadly, I don't think you're pulling our middle leg here. Sadder, you seem intelligent, otherwise. But time to wake up and smell the president.

    10. Yes, I find it hard to believe that The Gent can seriously believe what he's writing here. Even if he's seriously defending Trump here, I have to believe deep down he's thinking to himself "what I'm writing here is all bullshit."

  3. Yeah the same ones that said Hitlary won ROFL!! MAGA!!

  4. Sorry liberals, you did this to yourselves. If you think it's bad now, just wait till Don Jr or Kushner is our next president to take office in 7.5 years!
