UPDATED with comment: Centralia, PA: America's Creepiest Ghost Town
A coal fire has been raging beneath the town since 1962.
Google Maps.
The satellite view is interesting. There are maybe a half-dozen buildings in the entire town. The street called Main Street has no buildings at all. The road which used to be the main east-west thoroughfare through town, route 61, contains exactly one residence, with one more just off a bit on a dead-end side street. The current population, per Wikipedia, is 7. "State and local officials reached an agreement with the seven remaining residents on October 29, 2013, allowing them to live out their lives there, after which the rights to their houses will be taken through eminent domain"
But there are hundreds of graves in the cemeteries. (The population reached as high as 2,400 in the 1930s and 40s.)
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Full documentary about Centralia you might find interesting.
Full documentary about Centrailia you might find interesting.