John Oliver Is Now A Candidate In The World’s Craziest Election
At his worst, John Oliver can blather on interminably, with only intermittent humor, about some minor issue you aren't vaguely interested in. At his best, however, in the realm of comics who devote their humor to scathing social criticism, he is the legitimate heir to Jonathan Swift's legacy. In fact, I prefer him to ol' Swifty, and Mort Sahl and Lenny Bruce and even Mark Twain, because he's not afraid to be downright silly when discussing a serious topic, and he's willing to turn the joke on himself. Those elements give his comedy an energy level lacking in those other iconic satirists I mentioned.
This review of Italian politics shows him at the top of his game, or very close to it. Even if you don't know or care a whit about the Italian elections, this is hilarious stuff and very easy to follow.
“The Forrest Gump of human misery.” Pretty hard to beat that.