Thursday, March 29, 2018

Deep Throat was right - follow the money

Deep Throat was right - follow the money

Go back a few months. Scott Pruitt, head of the EPA, made a trip to Morocco. While there, he pitched them on "the potential benefit of liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports on Morocco’s economy." That seemed obscure, to say the least, given that there was only one active Liquid Natural Gas export plant in the United States at the time. Pruitt almost seemed to be a pitchman for a highly specific company with a virtual monopoly on a specialized service (exporting LNG).

And anyway, even if it were a major portion of America's economy, pitching USA exports is not really within the purview of the EPA.

Gee, what the heck was that all about? Nobody really knew.


Until today.

Mr Pruitt, as it turns out, lived in a condo owned by the wife of a top lobbyist.

I'll give you exactly one guess who that lobbyist's firm represented. Is your answer locked in?

Needless to say, their client was the company that owned that one and only LNG export plant.


  1. Anyone else was president, and this happy lad's hide would have been nailed to the wall by now.

    As is, he's standing next to Big Stupid, he looks less egregious. I'd say 50/50 he rides this out til the next distracting disaster.


  2. Pruitt is successfully executing one of the core agenda of the Republicans (not just Trump), Making The Environment Bad Again. He's probably untouchable.
