Sunday, September 10, 2017

Heil, Schuttlemayer. CIA informant claimed Hitler survived WWII

CIA informant claimed Hitler survived WWII, living as Adolph Schuttlemeyer.

This came from recently declassified CIA documents.

Y'know, "Heil, Schuttlemayer!" doesn't really have a snappy ring to it.

Reader comment:

The argument that Hitler survived the bunker and that it wasn't his body in the bunker goes back a long way. I don't know when it was first seriously debated, but I think it was in his second book when the famous Los Angeles coroner Thomas Noguchi wrote a chapter on it back in about 1987. Then there were a couple books on the theory a few years ago, one that argued that he went to Argentina and the other to, I believe, Italy. I think the more credible of the two books was named "Rat Line" by Peter Levenda.


  1. The argument that Hitler survived the bunker and that it wasn't his body in the bunker goes back a long way.

    I don't know when it was first seriously debated, but I think it was in his second book when the famous Los Angeles coroner Thomas Noguchi wrote a chapter on it back in about 1987.

    Then there were a couple books on the theory a few years ago, one that argued that he went to Argentina and the other to, I believe, Italy.

    I think the more credible of the two books was named "Rat Line" by Peter Levenda.

  2. Yeah, well, motherfucker is dead now, and was last seen getting pineapples rammed up his ass in hell.
