Thursday, October 26, 2017

Astros win a classic game!

Astros win a classic game!

The 8th through 11th innings were nail-biters!


  1. I'm an old fart and haven't kept up with all the newest baseball statistics. If you look at the box score, for Dodgers pitching it says (H,2) for Morrow and (B,1) for Jansen. What do those letters/numbers mean?

  2. The H is for "hold", which is used for middle relievers who held their team's lead. The B is for "blown save."

    1. Thanks. What do the numbers mean? Jansen gets a 1 for one blown save? Can you get more than one blown save per game? And 2 holds for Morrow? he pitched one inning, right?

    2. The numbers show how many in the series.

      There can be two blown saves in a game, but they can't be the same guy. If you blow a save by allowing a tie, stay in the game and your team goes ahead, then blow it again, the second one would not be a save, since you were the pitcher of record in line for the win. The pitcher of record can not get a save.


      (1) There can be multiple blown saves in a game. Here is a game where the Astros blew FOUR saves in the same game:

      2) You can also get a blown save in a win. The team's eventual triumph doesn't erase the fact that you blew a save opportunity. In fact, the same pitcher can still receive either a win or a loss (or a no-decision) after recording a blown save, depending on the ensuing results.
