Saturday, October 28, 2017

Donald Trump Takes Aim at Michael Moore's "Total Bomb" Broadway Show

Donald Trump Takes Aim at Michael Moore's "Total Bomb" Broadway Show

The full extent of Trump's ignorance is truly astounding. He can't be dissing the show itself, since he hasn't seen it, so he must be saying that the show's financial performance was a bomb. It was the highest grossing non-musical of the summer and ran its full 12-week limited engagement. (Trump claimed it was "forced to close.")

I just don't know how any one person could be not only consistently wrong, but could so often confidently state things that are the exact opposite of the truth, and not make the slightest effort to ask any of his staffers to fact-check his nonsense before he Tweets it. I guess the point is that he actually creates the truth in the minds of his followers, and they accept that any corrections are "fake news."

I still can't figure him out. The big question remains: Is he stupid enough to believe the ridiculous things he says, or is he just a pathological liar? In his younger days he could not have been totally dense, but you have to wonder if he's going through some form of dementia, especially when you see things like this:


  1. I often wonder how much of his 'twitter' posts actually come from any kind of real knowledge he has of a topic and how much comes from an aid or an advisor who tells him something and he then posts it it.

  2. What difference does it make? Either way he's a fucking moron unfit for the job.
