Friday, October 20, 2017

Trump claims he has an original Renoir

Trump claims he has an original Renoir

Trump is one strange dude. His claim to own an original Renoir painting, one which has been in a Chicago museum since 1933 (with a provenance traceable back directly to Renoir himself), has been refuted to his face, but he still makes the claim today. In fact, he repeated the claim the very next day to the guy who corrected him!

I just can't figure him out. Is he just a pathological liar, or does he honestly believe in his alternate reality? (The latter is even scarier. I cling to the hope that he is grounded in reality enough to know the truth, but just prefers to bully his way through it.)


  1. The scariest thing of all is about 37% of this country is too stupid or delusional to identify acknowledge obvious lies. Puts to rest the myth of American Exceptionalism.

    1. Did you ever consider the fact the the 37% and probably more people are not 'stupid or delusional' because they don't agree with your opinion, but that they have simply no time to waste reading or paying any attention to the stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth? Perhaps they are still supporters of or believers in Trump because they see that when he acts, he makes a difference? And that it really makes no difference what he says or why he says it.

      I personally think he says the things he does to keep the Leftist media and other snowflakes off balance, so he can DO HIS JOB.

    2. You really are completely out of your mind, aren't you.

    3. And speaking of delusional, right on cue . . .

  2. I think it's a different pathology. He cannot be wrong. His entire psyche collapses if he's not the greatest, smartest person in history. It's not bluster, he believes that. He is a malignant narcissist. Everyone he doesn't deem worthy (read that 1984 piece and the people who 'have it') are not only lesser, they're subhuman. Worthless. Bugs to be crushed if they become annoying. So someone told him that's a renoir. So it's a renoir. That museum piece is the fake. Because Donald is never, ever wrong.

  3. Who does NOT lie?? Gore built the internet, and Bill did not have sexual relations with that girl and Hillary just has the bad flu bug that require "special" glasses for recover.

    1. Don't change the subject. Without recourse to whether anyone else is bad, do you believe that

      a) Trump built the Vietnam Memorial with his own two tiny hands

      b) He is a liar, or

      c) He is a fucking moron.

      Brave of you to try defend your guy in this particular case, but it doesn't mean much if you can't do a proper job.

    2. Just keep listening to the little birds singing. I will pay attention to what he does, rather than what he says and when he has made America Great agains, I will be there to yell, "We Told You SO!"

    3. Can't argue with that. Cos it doesn't say fucking anything.

    4. When did America stop being great?

    5. "When that darkie was President."

  4. Al Gore never claimed to have built or invented the internet, I'm not looking for honest answers from married men when confronted with infidelity, I thought that she fell and needed those glasses to correct some temporary blurred vision, I never heard that she blamed her wearing them on the flu.

    So you've got a falsehood, a defensive, and a never happened as a defensive response to pathologically lying about a painting and building the Vietnam Memorial (as if these are the only two)

    Yes all politicians lie (at least the bad ones do) most just obfuscate the truth and/or choose their responses very carefully so as not to lie but give an answer that they will be able to defend if need be.

    Either way, this idiot is drowning in his own sea of stupidity and if it didn't impact people's health care, it would actually be enjoyable to watch.

  5. For those who are interested, here is the likely basis of Trump's claim that he 'built' The Vietnam Veterans Memorial:

    "The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission raised private donations of $2.5 million ($1 million from Donald Trump) to finance the memorial in 1983."

    Out of 2.5 million dollars, Trump donated nearly 45% of that amount. That, I believe would give him the right to claim that he 'built' the memorial.

    1. You say "here" but you give no source. Are you citing, perhaps, a place in your ass that you pulled this from?

      Also creative to phrase "exactly 40%" as "nearly 45%".

      Assuming any of this is true, Wikipedia never heard of it. Or likelier, heard & debunked.

    2. Actually, that quote comes from Wikipedia, which took it from a report by ABC news

    3. In fact, based on that Wikipedia article, I am revising my position tentatively, and have revised the post to discuss only the Renoir. Trump himself has never claimed to donate 40% of the funds to build that memorial, which seems odd and suspicious to me, considering his tendency to brag about all sorts of things he did and didn't do, but based on the word of that board member, who said it never would have been built without Trump's contribution, I must apologize and allow Trump the right to make that claim unless future evidence contradicts it. If it is true, good for him.

    4. Nature Mom you asked for a source. Scoop gives you a crickets.

      Fake news doesn't just come from the news and the president's twitter. Irresponsible commenters like you are also part of the problem. There are people just dumb enough to listen to dumb people like you.

      Maybe since you can't force Trump out of office - and desperately trying to find something impeachment-worthy is just embarrassing the democratic party...just relax and see how some of his policies work out.

  6. I never thought I'd ever say this about a WashPo article, but the one referenced above is a very good piece! It tells you who and what Donald Trump is or was, prior to his entering politics and being elected President. It gives an insight to him and his lifestyle and why he is the way he is. You should read it.

  7. Just for some fun debunking:
