Sunday, November 26, 2017

As the U.S. reels from sexual harassment scandals, Russia asks: What's the big deal?

As the U.S. reels from sexual harassment scandals, Russia asks: What's the big deal?

In Russia, victim harasses you.


  1. The problem is definitions. Now, I'm as much against sexual assault as the next guy, but when a woman - a girl, really - submits to the sexual advances of a man that she knows can make her what she wants to be - a star - then that is NOT sexual harassment, even decades later, when the definitions have changed and she is, shall we say, at the end of her career and looking for that last 15 minute bit of fame.

    That is the dog biting the hand that fed it.

    A man, in the 'nasty 60's' patting an attractive lady on the butt and then promising to 'make her a star' was no more sexual harassment than saying hello to her.

    Shakespeare said, "First, we shall kill all the lawyers!" That sounds like really good advice for these times. Lawyers are too numerous and all of them are looking for stuff to do.

    Ambulance chasers in a different suit.

    1. Okay, so, you're a dirtbag. I hope the next job you try to get, the boss says before he'll hire you, he's going to fuck you in the ass.

    2. Normally, I don't think this about you Justin but this time, you are an idiot. Try READING the whole statement, which it is obvious you did not.

  2. No, he's right, you're a dirtbag.

    That guy sitting there going I get to fuck you or your career is over, he's a dirtbag too. He was a dirtbag in the '60s, a dirtbag in the '30s - a pathetic dirtbag who probably couldn't get laid any other way.

    "It happened all the time" may be true, but it's no excuse.

    1. But in your 21st Century snowflake way of thinking, you are using today's standards to judge these people. I don't tolerate sexual abuse or abuse of any kind but back then, the "Casting Couch" was not only an accepted way of doing business and all parties involved knew it, it was actually expected.

      You cannot judge yesterday's behavior by today's standards because the two do not mix well. They never will.

      In a reformat of the situation, lets say it's the 1800's and you have a relative who has died. You bury them, in the ground, maybe in a 'pine box'. Accepted and expected and normal for that time. Now today, you are an archeologist or someone who is involved in unearthing and relocating those old graves. You are incensed that they buried people without the proper preparation and in some cases, without the proper casket, as is the standard today.

      Your outrage is wasted. You are seeing stuff that was the norm for the period these bodies came from. Applying today's standards and then getting mad and calling the people of the 1800's idiots and worse is wrong.

      And saying that Harvey Weinstein, as an example, was wrong in the 60's for using the tools and policies of HIS time is wrong.

      It may not fit your sensibilities but it is a fact.

    2. What was wrong then is wrong now and vice versa. Stick your situational ethics up your ass.

    3. If only there was a way to mute/block people on Blogger.

    4. YOu and people like you are a major part of the problem in today's world. You want it your way and no other way will count. YOU are correct and the rest of the world is wrong.

      There have always been idiots in this country, but they were never a major force of opinion until Facebook came along.

      I do agree with your last statement, however.

  3. Your whole argument boils down to "everyone was doing it, that makes it OK." Picture your kids. (If you don't have kids, fake it.) Is this something you would teach them?

    1. My whole argument is that in HOLLYWOOD or as some people call it HOLLYWEIRD, that was the way things were done. Like it or not. And using the standards of the 21st Century to condemn the actions of the mid 20th Century is still wrong, whether you understand the concept or not!

  4. I understand, I just don't *agree*, those are two separate things.

    I'm halfway thinking you're just pulling my middle leg here, seeing how many times I'll write back. If so, you win, but this is the laaaaast one.

    Your argument can be used to justify literally anything. "Of course Vlad impaled those guys, that was his policy. That's why they never called him Vlad the Excellent Host."

    "Yeah we bombed that village back to the Stone Age. Everyone was slinging napalm around, that was our normal procedure for dealing with unwanted civilians. Grow up."

    "Sure he fucked a pig, he's a pig-fucker, everyone knows that. Maybe that's not how you do things up in la-di-da Des Moines, but this is Hope, Arkansas. Don't judge."

    If you just plain-vanilla have no morals, fine. But own it, don't try put a silly-ass rhetorical hat on it.

    1. This is the problem with you snowflakes. Comparing Vlad the impaler and blowing up a village to the casting couches in Hollywood? Y'all have completely lost your sense of reality!
