Monday, December 25, 2017

The Best Christmas Movies of All Time, Ranked

The Best Christmas Movies of All Time, Ranked

I think I would have ranked Scrooged quite a bit higher than #30, and I would have placed A Christmas Story #1, but we all have different opinions about these things. Many people think Die Hard should be on these lists, for example.

In general, however, these people did a pretty thorough job.


  1. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is unfairly regarded. It's not a classic movie (it drags in parts) but it's clearly meant to be campy (I think most of the film's critics somehow don't realize this) and is actually quite funny. The fight scene with the obviously fake polar bear alone makes the movie worth watching.

    1. Add my vote as well. Pia Zadora's best movie!

      Although that's about as impressive as being Clint Howard's best photo.

  2. Interested to see Remember the Night ranked as high as number 10. I'd put it even higher, though I know few people have seen it. Seems to be much more popular abroad. When I saw it last Christmas at the British Film Institute in London it received a spontaneous standing ovation. Yes, it really is that good, and moving, at the end.

  3. A number of these are good Christmas movies but quite a few are not "Christmas" movies, just movies that came out at Christmas... not quite the same.

  4. I'm not sure that Rudolph belongs on the list - it was a 30 min T.V. program, not really a film (if it is going to be included then the list should have also included the animated Grinch would easily belong in the top 10 IMO)

    1. I have to admit that the inclusion and ranking of that one really surprised me. As you noted, the Grinch is a classic, and would be eligible if we consistently apply the same rules. I would have left Rudolph off the list, but assuming it was eligible, I would not have placed it that high.
