Pam Dawber says Robin Williams groped her on the set of Mork & Mindy
Well, that should end his career!
"Robin Williams groped Mork & Mindy co-star's breasts and buttocks, exposed himself, sat on her and broke wind on her - but she says: 'It WAS the Seventies after all!'"'
"She described filming the show as 'so much fun'"
I was a stage actor in the early 70s and, I confess, was guilty of all the same pranks and shenanigans mentioned here. My female co-stars, and some of the males, could say virtually the same things about me, but it was always about laughs or breaking the tension, never about sex. I changed, then the world changed and further changed me, so I look back on those times, occasionally cringing with shame, occasionally warm with nostalgia. I am now filled with guilt about things I felt no shame about at the time because they were entertaining and harmless.
Does it make me feel like a young teen who really enjoys some harmless jerking off until the nuns tell him it is sinful and makes Jesus cry? (Asking for a friend.) Yes, exactly like that. (Theoretically, of course.)
Not to diminish anyone’s story/experience and not that you asked, but I have always felt that intent and attitude are key measures of sexual harassment. 1. Is the “receiver” open or accepting of the action as good natured fun and understands it is not a dominance act. That’s leads to 2. What is the actor’s intent. Are they kidding around and not intending to be domineering or malicious? Is it aggressively sexual or playful flirting? I felt the Al Fanken incident failed this test and he got a raw deal.