Monday, September 19, 2016

2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight

2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight

Trump is now shown to have a 41.7% chance of winning. That is the highest point he has ever reached.


  1. What the HAIL, Merica. Really gonna hand the keys to this pimp?

  2. Nature Mom...Even though these comments are generally well-thought out by their posters but you seem to think this is a common chatroom. Well, I would rather hand the keys to 'this pimp' as you so eloquently put it, than to hand them to a treasonous, murdering traitor.

  3. Egad, I beg your pardon. I didn't realize this was The Algonquin - in retrospect, one would think the round table a dead giveaway. Anyroads, I will be sure to extend my pinky in future. I hope your monocle didn't fall into your cocktail when you gasped in abashment.
    FWIW, she's better, in the same way that gonorrhea is better than the syph. I'm can't vote for either one.

  4. Treasonous murdering traitor? I didn't know the Bush/Cheney ticket was running for President again.

  5. Very good, Nature Mom! The response, while not truly addressing my concern, was funny and slightly sarcastic. I love it! much better!

  6. Baseless slander isn't a "concern" old cock. Not saying it's untrue, just no evidence.

  7. Baseless slander, Nature Mom? As in...?

  8. Aaaah, the quivering baby-bird beak of a hungry troll. Sorry, no regurgitated worm-half for you. Face it - you're not going to convince me, I'm not going to convince you. Let's just get back to the titty-looking. Oh, and the ass. Especially the ass.
