Friday, March 16, 2018

JFK can now deliver his Trade Mart speech - thanks to technology 

JFK to finally deliver the speech he was meant to give in Dallas the day he was assassinated 55-years ago - after computer technology is used to recreate his voice


  1. He was going to give this speech to some business association, I forget who, maybe the Dallas Chamber of Commerce.

    This is an interesting program of actual live news bulletin broadcasts from a local Dallas TV station at the time:

    It says 2 hours and 52 minutes, but the program is actually 1 hour and 26 minutes. For some reason the uploader of the program uploaded it twice.

    The most interesting part of the program for me is near to the end when Lee (Harvey) Oswald gets shot when being moved out of the holding center (which was the bottom floor of the Dallas City Hall.)

    I put the shooting down to 'no big deal' it was just part of the confusion at the time, but, in fact, Oswald had received so many death threats that he was under police protection and the police chief had ordered that only police and accredited media members be present while Oswald was being moved.

    Yes, Jack Ruby was allowed to remain on the floor the whole time. I know 'accidents can happen' but knowing civil servants, it's virtually 100% of the time that when they are given an order to do something, they faithfully carry it out.

    It gets even stranger as the police are reported as saying before the shooting "Ruby was wearing an outfit similar to what the FBI wears, so we all assumed he was with the FBI."

    However, after the shooting, a couple police officers said "we recognized him immediately as Jack Ruby."

    The Warren Commission and writers on this like Vincent Bugliosi (who I have a great deal of respect for) have put this down to "the police were familiar with Ruby and they didn't regard him so much as a known mobster, but just as some local gadfly, so they didn't pay any attention to him being there."

    1.There is the police chief's orders that only officers and accredited media were allowed to be there. There was no 'gadfly exemption.'

    2.Ruby was also known to be a gadfly with a violent temper. He was hardly a harmless gadfly.

    Ultimately, Bugliosi's explanation is that there are almost always anomalies in police investigations (especially for murders) and that if you've proven something beyond a reasonable doubt, there must be a logical explanation for the anomaly even if you personally can't explain it. (Like the still unknown owner of the prescription glasses at the Tate Murder scene.) However, in this case, this obviously only works if you believe that the murder of JFK has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If not, other explanations for how Ruby was able to kill Oswald have to be considered. (I personally find these 'other explanations' to be as implausible as the 'anomaly' explanation since it would obviously entail large scale collusion by the Dallas Police Department.)

  2. This simulation is as close as we're going to get to hearing a real president talk for a while...

    1. No thoughts on the JFK assassination? :(

      I'd be interested in them.

    2. In a murder investigation, always look first at the person with the greatest motivation and the most to gain.

    3. That would be Lyndon Johnson.

    4. Yeah, and the assassination took place on his home turf.

      Just sayin'.

      Seriously ...

      Mark Twain once said that democracy was the worst form of government except for the other ones. That's how I feel about the Warren Commission's official finding. It is the worst possible explanation except for the other ones.

  3. Oh, everyone loves a good conspiracy and I'm no different. I tend to think whoever killed him got away with it. But the question remains - if Oswald didn't shoot him, or at least shoot at him, why kill that cop J.D. Tippitt?
    Also fun fact I hadn't known (I read it on the internet, it's gotta be true)...when he went to hide in the theater, he didn't pay. This drew attention to him. If he'd bought a ticket, things might have played out differently. "For want of a nail..."
