Animated image: Jupiter's Great Red Spot is deeper than Earth's oceans and growing taller ...
(... as it shrinks in circumference)
"Even though the Great Red Spot is 200 miles deep into Jupiter's atmosphere and larger in diameter than Earth, the storm won't be around for much longer according to NASA. NASA Scientist Glenn Orton told Business Insider that the storm was four times the size of Earth in the late 1800s but is only approximately 1.3 times the size of Earth now and will likely disappear in our lifetime. 'The GRS (Great Red Spot) will in a decade or two become the GRC (Great Red Circle),' Orton said. 'Maybe sometime after that the GRM' — the Great Red Memory."
NOTE: the article is a bit confusing because part of it was written in July and part now. They did not change the wording of the bits written in July, so things they say will be in the future in some sentences are referred to in the past elsewhere! Despite this, I enjoyed the article because of the new images and the animation.
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