Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump praises Kim Jong Un as 'strong,' 'funny,' 'smart' and a 'great negotiator'

Trump praises Kim Jong Un as 'strong,' 'funny,' 'smart' and a 'great negotiator'

Here are his exact words:

"You know, not many people know it, but the Supreme Leader is a terrific dancer. That is because you were taken in by propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Justin Trudeau, did they? Trudeau! That weakling, with his sexy eyes, and his lush hair. And his ROTTEN painting! Rotten! Now Kim Jong Un, THERE is a painter! He can paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! TWO COATS! Let me tell you THIS! And you're hearing this straight from the horse - Un is stronger and smarter than Trudeau. Un is better looking than Trudeau. He is a better dresser than Trudeau. He has better hair! He tells funnier jokes! And he can dance the PANTS off of Trudeau!"


  1. Nice summary Scoop! You've still got it!

  2. Nice to see that the leader of our nation can give a competent tug-job to a ruthless dictator. Good work!

  3. Dunno why they're so excited. I've been working towards denuclearizing the Korean peninsula for decades. I'm working on it right now. And now. And now. It's at least as effective as anything Kimmy is going to be doing.
