Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Moore wins Republican Senate primary, dealing blow to GOP establishment

Moore wins the Republican Senate primary, dealing a blow to the GOP establishment

"A former state judge who believes Christian biblical morality should invalidate federal court decisions won the Alabama Republican primary Tuesday night, according to a projection by the Associated Press, sending a clear warning signal to President Trump and GOP leaders that conservative, grass-roots anger will continue to roil the party into the 2018 midterm elections.

Roy Moore, who was twice suspended from his job as the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and was backed by both Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell."

It wasn't really close (55-45).

And, needless to say: Trump low-key deletes tweets in support of Luther Strange after ’embarrassing’ defeat by Roy Moore


  1. Alabama's state motto is being changed to "home of the mentally challenged"

  2. Final result
    Roy Moore: 262,070 54.6%
    Luther Strange: 218,036, 45.4%

    Strange won the 3 large counties by population as well as the small majority black county of Sumter.


    In other election news today, Democrats won 2 state legislative seats previously held by Republicans: a State Senate seat in Florida and a State House seat in New Hampshire.

    For those seeking sanity in Alabama, I'll just leave this here: https://dougjonesforsenate.com/

  3. Wait, I thought Trump was the one shaking up the GOP establishment, now they're on the same side? Decide on a brand, you faux business-savvy fartknockers.

    It's like that South Park "Douche vs. Turd" episode come to life.
