Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Nazi wins a Republican primary in Illinois

Nazi wins a Republican primary in Illinois

Well, he didn't exactly WIN, given that he was unopposed. ""Even if only myself and my wife voted for me, I'd win the primary."

And it's not HuffPo calling him a Nazi, but the Illinois Republican Party, whose chairman said, "Arthur Jones is not a real Republican — he is a Nazi whose disgusting, bigoted views have no place in our nation's discourse."

Since when did disgusting, bigoted views have no place in our nation's discourse? It seems to me that disgusting, bigoted views ARE our nation's discourse


  1. Arthur Jones has tried running for the Republicans a number of times before. The first time or two he lost the nomination and after that, when he was unopposed the Illinois Republican Party had previously managed to get him knocked off the ballot through a lack of valid nomination signatures.

    This time around they obviously didn't take him seriously enough combined with them having, in this political environment, bigger concerns.

  2. "Illinois Nazis.

    I fucking hate Illinois Nazis."
