Thursday, June 14, 2018

Donald Trump claims Putin annexed Crimea ‘because he didn’t respect’ Barack Obama

Donald Trump claims Putin annexed Crimea ‘because he didn’t respect’ Barack Obama

Thanks, Obama.

Believe it or not, Trump is almost correct, in the sense that the annexation was partially Obama's fault. Obama and our allies supported the EuroMaidan movement's ambition to overthrow Putin's ally (admittedly a corrupt dude), who had just agreed to renew the lease on Sevastopol, with a group of people who wanted to abrogate the Sevastopol treaty. Sevastopol is absolutely integral to Russia's national security. They believe that they must have that naval base. So when there was a danger of losing it in co-operation with the new Ukrainian leaders, they simply took it for themselves.

For centuries, Russian foreign policy has centered around the quest for warm-water ports. It's important for the U.S. and the world to understand that Russia will NEVER give up Sevastopol. Sevastopol is the beating heart of their navy. No amount of negotiation, censure or sanctions will ever take that port back from Russia. They will go to war before letting that happen. And it doesn't matter that Putin is a strongman. It's not just a Putin thing. No Russian leader, no matter how democratic and friendly to the West, will ever let that port go. That would be like the USA giving San Diego back to Mexico.

So it is possible to argue that Obama was indirectly responsible, but the fact of the matter is that it had nothing to do with respect, or with the leadership styles of Putin or Obama. Once there was a chance of losing Sevastopol, it would not have mattered if the Russian leader had been Don Knotts and the U.S. President had been Teddy Roosevelt, Trump, Chuck Norris or God the Father Almighty, because Russia was taking that port back at all costs. In fact, we might praise Obama for not escalating the situation into WW3.


  1. So by Trump sucking Putin's tiny cock, he's stabilizing Eastern Europe? What a masterful diplomat!!!

    1. I didn't say we shouldn't protest, negotiate and sanction, but we have to understand that no possible diplomatic action will ever persuade Russia to surrender Sevastopol. It is permanently off the table.

      Therefore, we have to understand that the sanctions are punishment, not a negotiating tactic designed to restore the former order.

      But there's nothing wrong with punishment.
